Customer Experience (CX) - A 21st Century Approach (BUSN 0233)

Discovery, initiation, purchase, service, and advocacy are the processes that comprise an organization’s traditional Customer Experience (CX). The modern consumer is educated, efficient and tech-savvy, requiring a customer experience that meets and exceeds these expectations. Businesses must enhance their traditional processes with improved communication, collaboration and critical thinking to meet the demands of the 21st-century consumer. This course is designed to help students understand the concept of CX to both external and internal customers to support their careers and personal growth as service providers.


Credit Hours Contact Hours Lecture Hours Lab Hours Other






[+] Prerequisites:


[+] Corequisites and Concurrent Prerequisite(s):


[+] Equivalents:


[-] Restrictions:

Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels:
     Non Credit

Class Schedule

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